Don’t lose your Influencers, Post-Covid ! Make them work from your ‘home town’! -

Covid-19 has caused tremendous trauma to migrant Tradesmen & Technicians who were supporting many of our needs. Most of them have returned to their home towns and villages spread across India, and we can expect an indefinite timeline for their return. But for many brands, a big catchment of Influencers is gone!

And, some brands are turning this problem into an opportunity!

They have found a good reason to talk to Influencers and convince them to work from their ‘home towns’, and cater to the markets in and around their towns. It is important to connect with them and help them continue their work, from wherever they are, so that the brands revive their markets, as well as save the jobs for these Tradesmen.

Communities of Masons, Contractors, Electricians, Plumbers, Technicians, Mechanics, Interior Decorators, etc., are being spoken to for reviving their trades within their home towns and creating fresh new opportunities.

How can you get this done?

We at Loyltwo3ks can talk to your Influencers, in their language, and offer them opportunities on your behalf to continue their trade. Loyltwo3ks offers “Rapid-Connect” – a great back-end response team for organizations to support their business, albeit telephonically, with minimal turn-around.  We have banked huge experience and expertise in running top-class contact-centers for many of our clients and we are sure that an effort like this will be greatly successful.

Without a mention, Covid-19 has altered the ways we do business at least in the near future.  The pressure on companies to perform, with social distancing & travel restrictions, is enormous and unprecedented.

Connect with Loyltwo3ks. Ask for an Expert Solution to beat the Covid blues

Author – Prashanth Maxim

Title: CEO & Founder Director of Loyltwo3ks Pvt Limited.
