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Unstinting Loyalty for your Channel Partners

The majority of channel partners are more likely to stay if they continuously receive loyalty rewards Rewards & incentive based B2B loyalty programs keep channel partners continuously engaged, interested & energised to sell your products and support your business.

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Successful Distributor Incentive Programs

Motivated and engaged dealers are the crux of a channel distribution network. Digital loyalty programs tailor-made for them are easier to engage because of their ease of use and accessibility

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Value Driven Influencer Loyalty Programs

Influencer Loyalty Programs help reach out and engage audiences across business territories, which traditional programs cannot engage. Our Customised Programs make engagement with Influencers easy and dynamic.

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Sales Incentive Programs

Sales Loyalty programs are people driven, motivated and hightly purposeful. Loyltwo3ks can help increase Sales & Revenue through B2B & B2C Sales Incentive Programs that can take your business to the next level

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QR-based solution for foolproof loyalty

Situation Globally, counterfeit products enjoy a market share of nearly USD 200 billion. India’s economic impact due to counterfeits is…

Implementing a loyalty program that sustains and stands-out!

Businesses today are not wanting to be left behind without a loyalty program. The number of loyalty programs in the…

Don’t lose your Influencers, Post-Covid ! Make them work from your ‘home town’!

Covid-19 has caused tremendous trauma to migrant Tradesmen & Technicians who were supporting many of our needs. Most of them…

Lockdown? Social Distancing? This shouldn’t stop you from doing business!

Identify and engage influencers without physical contact! One of India’s leading architectural fittings brands identified their trade influencers across India…

Come what may! Show your partners and clients that you care!!

The days we are in, and the immediate future are going to be full of new challenges due to Covid….

Why should you still have a Loyalty Program during pandemics/lockdowns?

A Crisis all over! The economic damage due to the ongoing pandemic is colossal, so much that experts are already…

AI is the next big thing in Loyalty. Learn how it works for your brand from here.

Imagine machines that could literally learn, reason, solve problems and plan like humans! This is what Artificial Intelligence does -…

Blockchain will be the major game changer in Loyalty program universe. The reason is here.

Blockchain could be defined as a public ledger to record transaction across many computers. It is a decentralized system where…

Story of ProClub – the innovative L1.Loyalty program that improved sales and retained influencers

When the query of creating something that can work productively for retaining customers or influencers in business or brand comes…

Automotive Loyalty Program: Smile Your Way to Successful Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is gaining more and more advantage in the businesses today. Loyal customers are the primary key leading to…

The 4 Reasons Why Channel Partner Loyalty Programs Fail

Channel partner loyalty programs play a vital role in channel partner engagement. Securing loyalty can foster longer relationships which can…


The 360-degree view on L1. Loyalty defines the seamless journey of a business with L1.Loyalty. The core engine of L1….

6 Emerging Technology Tools to Build Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is one of the most important factors in business today, especially because greater loyalty towards a brand equates…

Referral Loyalty Program – Reinvent The Whole Idea of Your Business

Referral loyalty programs have proven themselves to be a successful long-term marketing strategy and it is here to stay. All…

7 Ways To Reward Your Customers

Customer loyalty comes with great responsibility. You cannot just build it in a day, it strengthens day by day. It’s…

Why Channel Partners Loyalty Program is Necessary for Your Business?

Channel partner engagement program is one of the best business strategies for cohesive growth, Strategic Relationship Management, increase in bottom-line…

Transforming a Legacy Offline Paper-based Loyalty Program to Paperless Mobile Loyalty Program

When it comes to hospitality business customer loyalty plays a major role in customer retention, implementing an ecofriendly program adds…

5 ways to improve customer retention in hospitality business [Infographics]

Author – Prashanth Maxim Prashanth is the CEO & Founder Director of Loyltwo3ks Pvt Limited https://www.linkedin.com/in/prashanthmaximm/

5 ways to improve customer retention in hospitality business

Own a restaurant or a hospitality business? If yes, then the first thing in your priority list would be to…

Celebrating 3 Years of L1.Loyalty Success

Kudos to Three Years of innovation and excellence; gear up for next phase of growth!! L1.Loyalty celebrates 3 successful years…

Let your Super App drive loyalty!

No matter however good your loyalty program is, there’s always a time (normally, a year or two) when your audience…