how-does-channel-partner-loyalty-work-in-todays-highly-competitive-marketplace -

How does Channel Partner Loyalty work in today’s highly competitive marketplace?

It costs more to acquire new customers than it does to sell to the loyal customers. The Channel Partners play a big role in sustaining customers and influencing their behavior which can be game changer for your brand.

Unlike in B2C, in the B2B space, there are fewer customers to choose from and a higher value for each sale, which makes customers retention very important. By energizing your dealer and distribution channels or empowering influencers to perform better, you can ensure high involvement and commitment from your B2B customers.

By recognising their loyalty and rewarding their actions, you not only increase sales through your channels to end users enriching your B2C business, but also ensure continuity and commitment from your channels, business partners and influencers.

Author: Mr.G.Anand.

Title: Business Head.